Thursday, October 14, 2010

Cool Finds: Wall Decor

So, in-between client design work, I've been researching ways to spruce up the Kalico office a bit.

Walls Painted…check.
Shelving Up…check.
A few new pieces of furniture…check.

Now what I need are some cool things to hang on the walls. Yes, I may end up hanging some of my own design work, but let's face it, I stare at my own designs all day! I want some fresh, fun and creative pieces to decorate the wall space. Here's a few samples of some of my finds—which one is your favorite?

Colorful Large Wall Calendars:

White Board Wall Calendar:

Simple, Minimalist, Inspiring Words:

Let me know which one(s) you like the best! Have other suggestions? Please send them on over. Working in a creative, inspiring environment helps lead to creative, inspired work. And --> THIS GIRL <-- is ready for some changes in my workspace!

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