I was just notified that the Green Yet? logo has recently been selected to be published in the upcoming book, The Big Book of Green Design. The book will be 384 pages of design examples of earth-friendly designs. It will be printed on FSC certified paper, and broken into three sections, including: 1. Retail and B2B Products that portray a green image; 2. Companies that have 'gone green' and 3.Individual Green-ness (examples of graphic designers who have 'gone green').
The book will be produced by Crescent Hill Books, creators of books such as "The Big Book of Logos" series, the Creativity series and American Corporate Identity book series. No word on when the book will be available in stores, but I will be sure to keep you updated.
'Lovin' all your work, Kim. Very, very impressive work!
Thanks so much Ellen!
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